MeuSporting iOS App

Diogo Maia Caetano
4 min readJul 1, 2019


Redesigning the present

Sporting Clube de Portugal

“Esforço, Dedicação, Devoção Glória. Eis o Sporting Clube de Portugal

On this day, on the year of 1906 Sporting Clube de Portugal was created.

In 113 years of existence the club has won a huge amount of competition in several sports being for that reason the 2nd biggest club in the world, only surpassed by Barcelona.

The current App

Speaking as a designer and focusing on the subject of the article, there’s a huge issue about Sporting, and that issue is the App. Something that should be the main access to the associates in order to know everything related with the club is completely outdated on the topics of UX/UI.

Awful, right?!

The style of the app takes us 10 years back. It’s something that we can easily imagine using on an iPhone 3G.

Also, it’s not clear what we can actually do on the app. The menu is completely hidden and on a first view we have the feeling that we can only buy tickets for the games, pay the quotes and have access to the tickets on the app. We also have access to the latest news and next matches. We can also see on the screen the “Privacy Policy” which is really (not) useful.

The App Redesign

Loading Screen

In Portugal there is a huge passion about sports and mainly Football. I’m entering the app and I want to have that feeling, that the app is loading. It’s a great opportunity to create a motion and to define a relationship between product/user.

Latest News & Latest Games

The problem of this screen is not the content (exclude Privacy Policy out of the topic) but how the information is displayed. Highlighting the images of the news and giving a different dynamic to see the latest games and also being able to buy the game ticket on that same screen would be a time saver.

Loja Verde

Another major upgrade that the users deserve to have in the app is the possibility of having access to the club official store. Today if we want to buy anything of Sporting we have two ways: Or we go to the Official Store or we can order the items through the Official webpage. Bringing this possibility for an fan would be a great improvement.

This way we can easily define our favorites, which will allow the app to suggest Products that the user might find interesting and also allows us to add the item to the shopping cart.


As an associate of the club, I want to easily access the leaderboards of the several sports that Sporting has. The content that really matters for the leaderboard are the games played so far, victories, draws, loses, etc.

Regarding to football, the league champion has access to the Champions League and the vice-champion has access to the Champions League playoff. The same flow goes for UEFA cup.

On this proposal we can see that we have on the side of the cards the color of each international tournament. We can also access “Filter” and change to another sport.

Final Considerations

This is only a concept design that I’ve decided to design in my free time in order to give my congratulations to my club.

Happy 113th Birthday Sporting Clube de Portugal! 🦁💚

